Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hmm... It's been a while...

How I can tell is that my BE Mage is Level 80 and has been for a while. New content came out on WoW yesterday. Only took 45 minutes to download onto my crappy laptop. Stupid impulse buy. Life is kinda stressful this week. I'm working at the local community college now, it's not too bad. It's actually kinda fun... Been here since September. Not much else to talk about... Hope everyone has a good week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Time For Firsts...

On May 23rd, I will be taking my first commercial air flight. It is husband's first too, so we'll be together when we crash and burn in the mountains of Colorado... And we're screwed if we hate it because we will be flying back the next day. Lol... My level 72 Blood Elf Mage is very close to becoming level 73. Husband hit 78 this weekend and is actually pretty close to 79. He's def going to hit the 80 mark before I do... How depressing...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life... In Moderation...

So, yesterday, I was supposed to go to the doctor to hear about the blood they took last week. I got my child ready and she had her backpack filled with stuff to do while we waited... I get to the counter and they tell me that my appointment is not until the next day. WTF! So, I guess I'm going back there today... Otherwise, I pretty much just played World of Warcraft and watched Deadliest Catch yesterday... I'm hoping to get more exciting on my bloggity blog soon...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In the Beginning...

Greetings people! This is my attempt to start something new and keep up with it. I'm just an average 29 year old stay at home mom on the surface, but I have a tendency to do things that are pretty nerdy... I have three children, all girls ranging in age from 3-8. I live in sunny Arizona. I've been here about a year and moved here from Minnesota where my entire family live. Please stay tuned as I explain my geekiness and my job search to keep my mind SANE!